Download our latest findings, reports, press releases, and more.
Report: Business Opportunities
Explore the innovative landscape of tackling marine plastic pollution with our latest report on Business Opportunities in the market for ocean-bound plastic. This report highlights the vast potential for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the South Baltic Sea Region to engage in sustainable practices by addressing ocean-bound plastic (OBP) waste.
Report: Plastic Waste Streams into South Baltic on a Country Level
In-depth analysis of plastic waste sources and pathways, focusing on pilot cities in Denmark (Aarhus), Germany (Rostock), Poland (Gdansk), and the associated area in Sweden (Malmö). The report examines solutions for collecting and recycling ocean-bound plastic, as well as a policy analysis on a country level.
Joint press release: PortBins in Rostock’s City Harbor to Collect Plastic Waste
In a joint initiative by the University of Rostock and the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW), supported by the Harbor and Maritime Office of the City of Rostock, waste containers for collecting plastic waste from the Warnow River have been installed in Rostock’s city harbor. This measure aims to capture plastic waste before it reaches the Baltic Sea and contributes to marine debris.
Mini report: Ocean-bound plastic collection methodology in Europe
Overview on Ocean-bound plastic collection methodology in Europe – Desk research and information collection. This mini report provides an overview of ocean-bound plastic collection methods in Europe with a focus on collection methods in waterways for macro plastics.
Press Release
Circular Ocean-bound Plastic (COP), a new Interreg project, has been initiated to address the growing challenge of plastic pollution in the South Baltic Sea by focusing on the collection and recycling of plastic at the source through an international partnership.